ORC – Operational Readiness Clearance

Each time an approved test beam experiment sets up in the beamline it must obtain an Operational Readiness Clearance (ORC) before the apparatus can be operated with beam. This consists of an inspection of the equipment (in the beam enclosure) by the Particle Physics Division Safety Committee and an inspection of the enclosures by the Accelerator Division Radiation Safety Officer. The controlling document is PPD_ESH_006.

To request an ORC:

  1. Go to your approved TSW
  2. Click “Generate ORC”
  3. Inform FTBF Coordinator who will help guide you through the rest of the process

This should be completed at least a week before your test beam run. That gives the committee time to review and plan. If you have time to stage the equipment outside the enclosure for a preliminary inspection, you should do so. It will help make your final inspection that much easier.

Here are some tips on passing an ORC:

  1. If you have any foam, please provide information on it’s flammability. Or else cover it up with a flame retardant material
  2. Provide electrical diagrams in advance, following the information found in this document: ORCreview_DocDiagram_example
  3. Neatly tie up cables and make sure there is enough travel if on a motion table.


Requesting an ORC Inspection

In the case of a relatively small apparatus that has neither cryogenics nor pressure vessels, the spokesperson can initiate the ORC process by sending an email to the ORC chairperson, the Facility coordinator, and the RSO. Include the following information:

  1. Your name and contact information as the representative who will be on hand for your experiment.
  2. The experiment number, and a link to your TSW.
  3. Attach relevant Electrical, Flammable, Pressure/Vacuum, Cryo, or Mechanical Documents, as stated below.
  4. The location of the apparatus to be reviewed.
    • MT6.1A
    • MT6.1B
    • MT6.2A
    • MT6.2B
    • MT6.2C
    • MT6.2D
    • MC7
    • M03 (HRT)
  5. Date and time when the entire apparatus will be ready for inspection. The reviewers really do need to look at the apparatus in situ.
  6. Note: the inspection and approval process often takes about 6 hours. It is best to be ready as early in the morning as possible. Experiments who do not follow the guidelines will take longer. If all the signatures can’t be obtained by 4 pm, the approval process will continue the next day.
  7. Name any parts of the apparatus that may have been reviewed earlier and at what date and where.
  8. What type of hazards might exist. Summarize the Hazard ID Checklist on the last page of your TSW.

The apparatus needs to be fully installed for the walk-through, so in the scheduling process, the experimenter should not only consider when they are available, but also when the experiment itself will be ready. By ‘Ready’ we mean everything is set-up, in place, but out of the beam, and plugged in but not powered. The status of any software not used for safety purposes is not relevant. If the apparatus is not reading out, it does not affect the inspection. The experiment does not have to work to be inspected, but all equipment should be present.

Pressure vessels, cryogenics, and mechanical structures

Larger experiments, or apparatus containing pressure vessels or cryogenics are handled in different ways according to what issues there might be. With these hazards, and with other mechanical structures that merit engineering notes, the ORC committee will verify that they have been appropriately reviewed prior to the walk through and sign-off.