Welcome to FTBF


The starting point for updated Covid-19 information is Fermilab’s Covid-19 information webpage. See M-Test Control Room during COVID-19 Times for additional notes abut FTBF.

In general, visiting Fermilab in person takes significantly more planning and time than in the past. Please stay in contact with FTBF staff about your needs to be onsite.

The Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) is a Particle Physics Division-operated, high-energy beam facility devoted to Detector R&D. The Facility is located on the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory site in Illinois, United States, on the west side of the Meson Detector Building. The FTBF program provides flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight.

Hundreds of researchers come and go through the FTBF, testing their detectors on one of the two beamlines. MTest and MCenter produce a variety of particle types and a range of energies in which users can test equipment to prepare for running a full experiment. FTBF is the only facility in the United States that allows scientists from all over the world to test their detectors with high-energy hadron beams. Experiments can run for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for several weeks. Sharing beam time is also allowed and encouraged.


Current MTest Beam Status 

FY25 Beam Requests



Irradiation Test Area

A new test area is opening up in Fall 2020 to study the effects of radiation and radiation damage on samples.  Please visit the facility website for more information and scheduling requests.


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